We are a volunteer organization whose purpose is to educate the public about the Civil War through first-person presentations.
The Confederation of Union Generals was founded in October of 2002 From its humble beginnings, COUG grew and expanded over the years — adjusting to a changing composition as members entered into or left the hobby. Through it all, and aided by new members with energy, resource, enthusiasm, and bold ideas, a corps group of founders led the group into fresh and exciting initiatives and venues while remaining true to the vision of the organization in being ambassadors for —and stewards of – a precious treasure: the heritage of America’s Civil War.

Using the knowledge of their historical personas, combined with the gift of story telling, has enabled our members to animate the past for young and old alike, and “connect” them to that defining time in our history.
Non-Profit Organization
COUG was recognized as a Non-Profit educational Corporation in 2012 under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Tax Code , and chartered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Tax deductible contributions toward the support of the organization’s educational mission are happily accepted. You can donate online or send a check payable to “COUG” to our postal address:
Confederation of Union Generals
1 Smithbridge Road, Unit 91
Chester Heights, PA 19017-4002
Kindly include your home address so we can acknowledge your generosity.
Board of Directors for 2024
Bob Hanrahan, Chair
Bill Vosseler, Secretary
Amanda Silva, Finance Committee
Steve Caton, Membership Committee
Erik Curren, Events Committee
MJ Henion, Marketing Committee
Mark Leonard, Fund Raising & Preservation